Planning a dinner with Melissa usually goes something like this:
Melissa – Where do you guys want to go eat? I don’t want to choose.
Me – I just heard about this new brick oven pizza place on 3rd, let’s try that.
Melissa – And what am I supposed to eat, everything is going to be covered in globs of cheese.
Adam – How about sushi, I could be down for Izakaya or something.
Melissa – I am looking at the menu and there is like 1 option there for me.
So when Melissa asked to join for a pLAte, I sent the list of 89 remaining spots over so she could give US the options. Surprisingly we were sent back a list of about 8 or so choices and we settled on Akasha, a restaurant with an urban loft-like feel nestled in the newly reinvigorated Culver City.
It had been almost a year since Meredith, Adam, Melissa and I got together for a dinner, mostly because of the infamous Mother’s Day Meltdown of 2010, which kept several parties apart for nearly 7 months. I played the role of innocent bystander (having your own blog gives you liberty to rewrite history). But with everyone Kosher again, we were all looking forward to a night of mildly inappropriate insults flying across the table.
The pLAte to be ordered at Akasha is Quinoa with Edamame. However, the menu only listen two kinds of quinoas, one with chicken and the other with market fresh vegetables.
Adam – Have you ever encountered this before? The pLAte isn’t on the menu!
We asked the waitress and indeed, edamame is not on the menu tonight. Knowing quinoa for dinner wouldn’t be enough, I suggested Melissa and I share dishes. She went with the Punjabi Mung Beans (I mean…) and I ordered the Market Vegetable Quinoa.
Waitress – Do you want chicken or tofu with that quinoa?
Me – Umm, I will go with chi….
Melissa – TOFU!
Me – Right, tofu…(internal groan).
Melissa – Look at you going vegan tonight!
As if I had a choice…
Adam ordered off the DineLA menu and went with Scallops and a German chocolate cake for dessert. Meredith went exotic with her choice…a turkey burger.
Meredith – Is it possible to get no bun?
Waitress – Sure!
Melissa – What the hell are you doing?
This coming from a vegan mind you…
We also ordered a basked of onion rings (per Jonathan Gold’s suggestion) for the table.
After enlightening discussions about whether all beans come in pods (they do) and if I was allowed to share Melissa’s sexual exploits on the blog (I don’t), the onion rings landed in the middle of the table.
Meredith - You know how sometimes you bite into onion rings and they fall apart, these are perfect.
The rings had the perfect breading to onion ratio and almost snapped apart instead of crumbling into a mushy mess.
Next up, the entrees. So how would my first foray into vegan eating begin?
Me – Meh.
Melissa – Oh, shutup! Michael doesn’t like it because it wasn’t alive once!
Here’s the thing…the quinoa was good. It was tender, not overcooked, well seasoned. Is it something I HAVE to eat before I die? I’m not so sure…If I learned anything from the Lion King, it is that we are all part of the great big Circle of Life and according to Rafiki, eating meat is okay.
Melissa – Well, I don’t care what you say. This is a nice piece of tofu.
Nice piece of tofu??? What does that even mean? Was that bean curd nurtured better than the next?
The Punjabi Mung Bean dish actually had a lot more going for it. Along with the lentil-like bean mush (for lack of a better word) the Naan bread and dipping sauces were a nice flavor injection to the dish.
Meredith and Adam ended up switching plates halfway through the meal. The melted gruyere on the bunless turkey burger called to Adam, while the slightly undercooked scallops were better received by Meredith.
We ended the meal with a slice of German Chocolate Cake and a Salty Chocolate Peanut Bar. Despite lofty expectations, the best part of each dish was the ice cream on the side. Besides, who needs $9 desserts when you have these babies in your bag…
It was Girl Scout Cookie Day at work and Thin Mints beat dry cake any day of the week.
Melissa – So Michael how does this work now? You write the blog, you pay the bill?
Keep it up Melissa…next time we do dinner it will be at In-N-Out.
9543 Culver Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232
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