Previously on 99pLAtes, we visited Philippe’s French Dip for their take on the soaked sandwich. This week we head back downtown and take a trip to the other side of the 101 freeway to try Cole’s version. Not only do both restaurants claim to have the better French dip, but they both claim to have invented the sandwich too! I don’t know who originated it, but I do know who is doing it the best.
Joining us for Round 2 of this chowdown is the always-up-for-au-jous John and my most persistent blog-guest-to-be Marika. After completing her own 40 by 40 blog, Marika has been jonesing to get back to the blogosphere. You can actually check out her own writing re-launch here.

Once seated our bustling waitress (sadly Sam Malone wasn’t working that night) asked for our drink orders. Cole’s is the type of place where you order cocktails like a Manhattan or an Old Fashioned, something that packs a punch and will put hair on your chest. If ever there were a reason to drink vermouth…this would be the place to do it.
Waitress – “So what can I get ya?”
Me – “We’ll have two Ginger Rogers and a Daisy de Santiago”
So much for trying to fit in…
With our drinks halfway gone, we got to the matter at hand – The French Dip. Cole’s claims the origins of the sandwich back in 1908 when a customer with sore gums asked the restaurant’s chef to dip the crusty sandwich into the juice of the meat (meanwhile – Philippe’s says the sandwich “accidentally” slipped into the pan juices). I’ll let you play Judge Judy and decide the jous judgment.
“Whooooo!!!!” exclaimed Marika (literally) as she snapped into the first atomic spicy pickle. “Whoooaoaaaaa-mamammmaa!” she cried again, causing the larger men in pinstripe suits (I’m not saying it was the mob) to turn their heads. The atomic pickles are –well- atomic and not for tempermental tastebuds.
Marika – “You guys don’t understand, Sweedish food is really bland. I’m not used to this.”
John – “Well we could have eaten at Ikea, but unfortunately it’s not on the list.”
Me – ZING!
The key difference in the battle between Cole’s vs. Philippe’s versions of the French Dip is the key ingredient to the Dip itself! It all comes down to the jous (pronounced Jew, as in “Peter is au jous”). At Philipe’s they do the dipping in the kitchen and leave you with a somewhat soggy, but not really juicy sandwich. At Cole’s you are given a whole bowl of au jous, just for yourself! So you can constantly go back to the well for more and more of that juicy dipping delight.
For those who know me, I’ll take Yogurtland over Pinkberry any day, therefore (in keeping with the analogy) Cole’s is the undisputed winner in the French Dip Family Feud! Not only does the constant dunking make the sandwich better, but the quality of meat, cheese and bread are head and shoulders above the competition. And when it comes to ambiance, I’ll take Cole’s Cheers-like feel over the Ellis Island situation at Philippe’s any day.
The comments around the table were all positive. John especially enjoyed the beef chili and banana cream pie, meanwhile Marika went out on a limb claiming the combo of Pastrami & Swiss is greatly underrated in history.
As we settled the tab, Marika chimed in with one final assessment of the night.
“Well that was wonderful. I think I now smell like a sweaty Armenian plumber.”
And with that, I’m pretty sure we just lost the readership of my mom’s side of the family and all of Glendale.
Cole’s Original French Dip
118 East 6th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90014
(213) 622-4090
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