
FooDetour - What I Ate on Our Northwest Vacation

It was a trip a whole week and a half in the making...when John and I found ourselves with a few days off at the same time, we quickly snatched up flights and hotel rooms for a tour through the Pacific Northwest.

On the agenda for the five day jaunt: rest, relaxation and ROAD FOOD. Armed with Jane and Michael Stern's trusted guide to the best dives America has to offer. What follows is a pictorial post featuring some of the delicious diversions we found along the way.

Beth's Cafe
Seattle, WA

Beth's TWELVE egg omelete stuffed with veggies on a bed of all you can eat home fries and toast! Impossible to finish you say...John's appetite has no limits.

Norma's Ocean Diner
Seaside, OR

Fish and Chips for John, I went with the dungeness crab and clam chowder. 

VooDoo Donuts
Portland, OR

Side Note: While in Portland, I fulfilled a life-long dream: 

Beating The Simpsons Arcade Game...knock that one off the bucket list!

Emmett Watson's Oyster Bar
Seattle, WA

The Crumpet Shop
Seattle, WA

English muffin + savory and sweet = British Brilliance!

Lewis and Clark may have blazed the Oregon Trail, but Hundgen and Kazlauskas gave new meaning to a culinary inhale. The good news, we're not the only one's with an eating problem in the Northwest...

Think there's room for us to squeeze in?

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