
CREATE-A-PLATE - Thanksgiving 2010

Here at 99pLAtes we're still chowing down on leftovers from Turkey Day. Check out out the Thanksgiving food festivities below. 

Turkey neck anyone...

As if being roasted weren't bad enough...this is just humiliating...

If the bird is overdone, Peter's Mom sent us a backup.

Mom...you're supposed to nap after dinner not before!

Appetizer - Butternut Squash Soup 

Stephen Hundgen - Resident Turkey Carver

Cranberry Bourbon Compote (heavy on the bourbon).

Horseradish Potato Mash & Sausage and Sage Stuffing

Turkey Gravy, Brussel Sprouts & Grapes and Cauliflower Gratin

The crowd (of 14...ambitious much) eagerly awaited the meal.

The final pLAte presentation.

We'll be back to regularly when the tryptophan wears off...

Happy Thanksgiving!

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