
Foo-Detour - LA Marathon

[Editor Note: John asked me to run the 26th running of the LA Marathon last week and in turn I asked him to write this week's blog. After running for five hours in the pouring rain...I think I'm the one who go the raw deal. Without further ado...Here's Johnnnnnyyy!!!]

Michael has been asking me write a guest blog entry for a few weeks and after running through every excuse in the book (twice) he finally presented me with his ace in the hole:

“Did you see Jessie’s blog this week? Her boyfriend wrote a guest post.”

What could I say to that? I had been bested by Robby (Oops! Sorry, Jesse… I meant to say “R”). I had no more excuses. So let me dust off my references to 90s sitcomsDisney films and of course New Jersey and write my very first blog post.

Some people run marathons to get fit, some people run them to cross something off their bucket listbut I run them for one reason…TO EAT!

When you’re training to run 26.2 miles in one morning you can put away some serious food. 

They call it “Bib Pickup" for a reason:  they know you’re going to eat!

So here’s a look at what Michael and I ate before and after Sunday’s race.  I wanted to document every Gatorade, banana and energy chew we ate DURING the race too, but the torrential rain meant we couldn’t bring a camera on the course.

The night before the race is traditionally a big carbo-loading pasta dinner and ours was no exception. Flipping through the most recent issue of EVERYDAY FOOD Michael came across a recipe for asparagus pasta with a poached egg on top. We added peas, pine nuts and swapped out pappardelle pasta for the linguine the recipe called for.  We also threw together some garlic bread and voila!

Dinner was served. The addition of the peas and pine nuts was smart, but we should have stuck with a smaller noodle (linguine, fettucine or even angel hair). The thick ribbons of pappardelle took over the flavor of such a light dish.  Also I wish I had a second poached egg on top because the runny yolk gave everything a rich, almost creamy flavor.

And what would a pre-race meal be without dessert? Knowing Michael’s obsessions with desserts of any kind (but especially peanut butter) we whipped up a quick batch of tasty Chocolate-Peanut Butter Swirl Fudge which we enjoyed before drifting off to sleep.

All too early our alarm clock went off and it was time to lace up and head to Dodger Stadium, the starting point for the LA Marathon. Now I don’t know much about sports, but I do love baseball and try to attend one Dodger game per year. Last year I even sat in the “All You Can Eat” section. Maybe I can venture there again and that can be my second blog post

Our race day breakfast was enjoyed before the sun even came up in the parking lot of the stadium: a bagel (from Brooklyn Bagel Company, where else?), a banana and a Gatorade.

We were ready to conquer 26.2 miles.

The race was hard. We were so wet and cold we could barely move our fingers. For the first few miles the wind and rain were fun: “Look I’m running in the rain!” From about mile 6 on though it was anything but fun. And 16.5 miles in, I needed to stop and take a water break. Michael didn’t dare stop [EDITOR NOTE: He pleaded for me to go on] so he continued on to a 4:59 finish time and I came in 10 minutes after. We’re weren’t setting any records, but we were happy.

After crossing the finish line, and changing into warm clothes, we met our friend Justin (who beat of our times handily). He asked what we wanted to do and without missing a beat Michael and I said: “We want to go to Disneyland!”

Justin paused, shook his head and said: “I meant for lunch.”

Clearly Justin didn’t realize he was dealing with two people who would go to Disneyland just for lunch but I quickly played it off. “Just kidding! Let’s go to one of my favorite sandwich places in LA.”  And that’s just where we went: All About the Bread.

I’m not writing about what we had there because that place seriously deserves a post all its own. The sandwiches (and the bread!) are just that good. Their meatball sandwich made Los Angeles Magazine’s list of the best sandwiches in the city. ‘Nuff said.

After a nap and shower Michael and I were hungry again. Anyone who knows me should not be surprised.  My stomach is a bottomless pit when I haven’t been running!

The LA Marathon's “Stadium to Sea” route boasts “A Landmark Every Mile” so I asked Michael which of the city’s culinary landmarks he wanted to hit up now that we were relatively dry. Without hesitation he responded: “Yogurtland!” Not QUITE what I had in mind, but you can’t deny people what they want after 26.2 soggy miles.

On our way to the Michael’s culinary Mecca we passed an indisputable Los Angeles icon: Pink’s Hot Dogs. (Or as my mother inexplicably calls it: “Pinky Lee’s”). Normally the line for Pinks is so long it would make Space Mountain blush. But on this cold night there was not a soul there so we ended up making a quick pit stop before Yogurtland.

After running past landmarks for 26 miles, Michael and I got to enjoy our last two sitting down: a chili-cheese dog and a hotdog with sauerkraut. 

And Yogurtland wasn’t bad either… but finishing the race was so much sweeter.

Thanks John for the great recap. Whenever I get that tug to run another 26.2, I can come back to this post and remember why anyone who runs a marathon is completely out of their mind. We'll be back soon with an all new pLAte. In the meantime, we'll get back to carbo-loading...who says it has to stop once the race is done?


Foo-Detour - Fentons Creamery

John – “To be honest, I don’t really remember this part of the movie…”
Me – "Are you kidding??? It’s the part right after Carl gives Russell the Grape Soda pin at the Cub Scout Ceremony. You know…then they go get ice cream at Fentons!”

John nodded somewhat unconvincingly as we turned off the freeway and made our way into the quaint Norman Rockwell-esque main drag of Emeryville, California.

To bring you up to speed…John and I escaped LA for about 48 hours and drove (mistake?) up the interstate for a weekend in San Francisco. We met up with our friends Jayna, Ken and their 6-month old baby, Mady, for a weekend in NorCal. After a tour through Napa AND Sonoma on Saturday, which resulted in this...

Time Check: 8:17pm

…we spent Sunday touring the San Francisco Wharf, Muir Woods and the “Full House” homes on Alamo Square. While all the sights of the City by the Bay were impressive, I had my sights set on a “Only Michael Would Make Us Go There” detour on the way home.

You remember Fentons Creamery…it’s the small ice cream shop that Carl Fredrickson and Russell visit in the closing scenes of “Up”. What you might not know is that Fentons is a real place located just down the street from Pixar’s production campus. Despite the fact that we already downed multiple samples from Ghiardelli Square and a Caramel Hot Chocolate to boot…John knew better than to deny me my ice cream fix. Plus, I knew he was excited about the trip when he insisted we play the “Up” soundtrack before we arrived at Fenton’s.

When I saw Fenton’s in the movie, I pictured a small quaint mom and pop ice cream shop tucked away in a nondescript part of town. When I saw Fenton’s in real life, I felt like I was in the middle of a Johnny Rockets where the kids took over the ice cream sundae bar. At dinnertime on a Sunday, Fenton’s was PACKED with a line of people just waiting to get inside the place.

With a six-hour plus drive (mistake confirmed) ahead of us, we opted to skip the sit-down option and get a pair of cones to go. To my surprise, Fentons actually has a full breakfast, lunch and dinner menu featuring your typical burger, hot-dog and ‘old fashioned grilled sandwich’ options. But if you’re gonna make the trek (and by this point, who wouldn’t), you have to go for the ice cream. With homemade concoctions like Toasted Almond, Butter Brickle and Chocolate Marble and seasonal favorites like Pumpkin, Spumoni and Blackberry…it’s nearly impossible to try just one flavor.

That’s why I picked two! Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch and Butterfinger topped my double-scoop waffle cone, while John went for a single scoop of the Coffee Cookie Dream. After downing my cone in a matter of minutes, I was happily satisfied but not convinced I had to make Fentons a must-visit on my next trip north. And then…I saw the sundaes…

I mean…when the banana split comes with a warning like this:

"WATCH OUT! Tourists may take photos of you with this Fentons tradition! HUGE scoops, we mean HUGE, of Vanilla, Chocolate & Strawberry ice cream cradled by a whole ripe banana."

You know you are in for a treat! And if ya can’t quite finish your whole dessert, I’m sure this guy will happily slop up the leftovers.

With our stomachs full and our mission complete, it was time to hit the road back to LA. Of course, we did take a slight detour before we left…

When in Emeryville…

Fentons Creamery
4226 Piedmont Ave.
Oakland, CA 94611


#12 - Brooklyn Bagel Bakery's Hearth Water Bagel

“This place scares me!” John said as we drove through the mostly abandoned streets of Flipinotown last Saturday morning. After a few weeks of Create-A-Plates and Foo-Detours, the blog was in desperate need to get back to it’s original roots and John was in desperate need for some carbohydrates. Problem is, even though we are only 12 pLAtes in, the destinations for some of these restaurants are a bit outside the bubble of my 90046 zip code. So in order to cross another pLAte off the list, we had to venture to the outskirts of Downtown LA to visit the Brooklyn Bagel Bakery.

For anyone who has immigrated to California from the east coast, they know that bagels in LA are a real problem. It’s right up there with the Twizzlers vs. Red Vines debate. Seriously west coasters…Red Vines taste like waxy plastic with food dye. Twizzlers for life! Back to bagels - as a kid growing up on the east coast, my Saturday mornings consisted of my father taking me to Bagelicious (Ridgewood!) and I’d order a (still warm) plain bagel slathered in melting cream cheese with a Snapple Grapeade on the side. It’s not wonder I ended up looking like this.

Since moving to LA nearly five years ago, I just haven’t been able to find a lightly toasted gift from the gods that can stack up to the bagels back east. Yes you’ve got your Bagel Brokers and Noah’s Bagels…I’ve had ‘em, I’m unimpressed. 

This is a real bagel, not a roll with a hole is the grand statement emblazed on the Brooklyn Bagel Bakery’s website. According to the reviews, this place has bagels that are cooked the proper way. No, they don’t import the water from New York (which I thought was the proper way). Instead, they boil the bagels before baking them, which according to the owners is more time consuming but makes for a better bagel.

After nearly walking into a gospel church service going on next door, John and I found our way into the factory-like store that Brooklyn Bagels calls home. One could be easily overwhelmed by the diversity of doughy delights waiting in bins behind the counter. They’ve got your standards like Sesame, Onion and Egg, but in addition they also offer options like Banana Nut, Jalapeno Cheese and Strawberry bagels for the sweet tooth.

Despite the abundance of variety to tantalize your palate, all of the flavored donuts are made the west coast way. To get the “properly cooked” Brooklyn bagel, you need to order carefully. Tucked away in the corner, like a diamond in the rough (Aladdin anyone?), is the Hearth Baked Water bagel. This is the real deal…the reason people have been coming back to Brooklyn Bagels for nearly 60 years.

In order to properly taste the difference, I ordered one Hearth Water bagel and John went with a Sesame. Much to my dismay, the cream cheese was not slathered on in heaping clumps. Instead, the thickly lipsticked woman behind the counter sold us individual cream cheese packs (which by the way, are “not for individual sale”).

John – “Where do we sit?”
Me – “Well this place isn’t exactly known for its ambiance.”

We settled on a lovely spot down the street…aka the front seat of my Mitsubishi Eclipse.

“Smell the carbs!” John exclaimed as he spread apart his sesame and got to work on the cream cheese. I ended up leaving mine totally plain in order to really ascertain the unique flavor promised from the Hearth Baked. To my surprise there was a distinct difference between the two bagels. John’s was definitely the puffier of the two. All around the sesame was chewier and softer. My bagel, like most east coasters, had a tougher exterior. The outer skin of the ring was almost elastic-like as I peeled away pieces of the bagel. The crust definitely had a richer density, but the inside still had the doughy texture we’ve come to love about bagels.

As we cleared our plates…errr…laps, I think it’s safe to assume we both silently contemplated a return trip in the near future. In fact, Brooklyn Bagels will be celebrating St. Paddy’s Day with batches of Green Hearth Bagels from March 14-17. So this year, instead of Erin Go Braugh…make it Erin Go Bagel!

Brooklyn Bagel Bakery
2717 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90057


And The Winner Is....

Congrats to the incomparable Brie Baking Beauty, Jessie Rosen, for winning the Best Theme Oscar Party Dish of 2011! In honor of her win, I've asked Jessie to prepare a few words for the occasion.

"This is really quite the honor.  I'd say I'm speechless but that would be a lie. I'd like to thank Greg Iserson for providing the idea that inspired this dish, my mother for first introducing me to the world of three-dimensional baked brie art, the fine people at Pilsbury for making a food product that is as mailable as it is tasty, and of course Jeff Bridges for having the kind of profile that can be captured in one circular and two triangular cuts of cheese."

Check back next week for more 99pLAte adventures. In the meantime, we'll be munching on the leftovers of Jeff Brie-dges beard.


CREATE-A-PLATE - 2011 Oscars

Nothing sets Hollywood (and my kitchen) on fire and quite like a major Hollywood Awards show and this year was no exception. It's become somewhat of a tradition for our group of friends to get together for the annual broadcasts of the Emmys and Oscars (sorry Independent Spirit Awards, maybe next year). However, while most normal people would be happy to sit back and watch others receive praise for their creative achievements, our party guests are mandated to enter a competition of their own - the Party Potluck Palooza (alliteration sounds better). The rules are simple, each person is asked to bring a dish themed to a specific actor, movie or character. After last year's Sigourney Weiners took home the top prize (courtesy of Mr. Todd Buonopane), everyone knew they'd have to bring their A-Game if they wanted to take home the coveted $25 Gift Card to the Pleasure Chest.

So without further ado - for the Best Themed Oscar Party Dish of 2011, the nominees are...

The Ruffalo Gruffalo Wings, submitted by Mike

(12)7 Layer Dip, submitted by Peter

Baked Jeff Brie-dges, submitted by Jessie

Fiery Pit of Death (aka Turkey Chili) submitted by reigning champ Todd

 Toy Story Tea, submitted by Adam

Mark Buffalo Wings, submitted by Adam and Noah (& Dominos)

Andrew Garfield's Lasagna submitted by Robby 
(it's like a Wheel of Fortune Before & After puzzle)

Candied Aaron Porkskin Helena Panna Cotta submitted by Greg

Black Swan-tons with Soy Story 3 Dipping Sauce submitted by Yours Truly
(PS. The wontons are homemade - Do not try this at home if you'd like to stay sane)

Mr. Potato Head Mash submitted by Melissa

The Kids Are All Rice Crispy Treats submitted by Brian

So those are the nominees...who do you think should be crowned the winner? Sound off in the comments below and we'll reveal who actually won the Gift Card by the end of the week.